Thursday, 28 June 2018

Edmund Macrill sent in another sighting later on the 25th from Radipole Lake Weymouth of Herring gull 454.

Sightings near or far as we always say, are always of interest to us.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Two of our Herring Gulls were seen by Keith Pritchard following a shoal of fish near to portland Bill on the 25th June.

H Gull 582 ringed June 2015 and H Gull 592 ringed June 2016.

Our thanks to Edmund Mackrill for passing on the information.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Great Black back Gull P:22B was seen again at St Guenole Fish Port in Brittany on the 28th May 2018. Sighting sent in by Thomas Biteau and Gaeton Guyot.

Thomas sent a photo with sighting but at the moment it can't be loaded, when the problem is solved it will be added to the post.
Nick Adams monitors the Gulls on Lower Compton Landfill near to Bristol with Peter Rock.

A Herring Gull ringed by our group in Weymouth 453, is a frequent visitor to the site. We are all in agreement that it is the plentiful supply of left over Pizza that attracts our HG along with many others.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Chard Reservoir in Somerset is not the normal location to find a Great Black Back Gull, occasionally one drops in briefly then departs.

Kevin Harris noticed a GBBGull around the 30th May and it was still present by the 11th June. No more than unusual until it took to the air and he noticed it was colour ringed.

P:82A ringed on the Break Waters in June 2014 photo Kevin Harris ©. This is the first sighting since ringing.

Tom Russel out in Mid Channel out of Swanage in Dorset attending to his Lobster pots, has regular visits from Great Black Back Gull P:75B. Taking the bait out his pots......

Ringed June 2015 seen twice at Looe Island Cornwall Feb 2016 and Jan 2017.

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Two Herring Gull sightings from two rather different habitats and sites.

Herring Gull 454 ringed in Weymouth July 2015, was seen at Radipole Lake Weymouth on the  8th June by Allan Reese. this is the first sighting of this Gull since it was ringed.

Herring Gull 537 ringed on the Portland Break Waters in June 2015. Has returned to the Mud Banks of the Thames by the O2 Arena in Greenwich London seen on the 9th June by Richard Bonser.

                      Photo Richard Bonser ©  Richards third sighting of this particular Herring Gull

Saturday, 9 June 2018

Edmund Mackrill sent in sightings of two Herring Gull's he observed at Radipole Lake Weymouth.

Herring Gull 674 ringed August 2016, this is the  second sighting on the 8th June 2018

Herring Gull 449 ringed June 2012 we have 6 sightings 5 from Radipole and 1 from George Green in Bucks.

A recovery of one of our Great Black Back Gulls which was found dead on the beach in a nature reserve on the Cote D'Amor in France 6th June 2018.