Saturday, 31 October 2020

 A little behind on our posts, better late than not all.

Ian MacLean has sent in an up date from the Devon Axe Estuary from earlier in October.

Great Black Backed Gull P:97A originally ringed in June 2014 not a frequent source of sightings unlike some of our Gulls, although annual on the Axe . First sighting since October 2019 was on the 5th October 2020 back on the Axe.

Great Black Backed gull P:99C ringed as an Adult in a garden near Axemouth, another regular visitor to the Axe with several visits to inland sites. Seen back on the Axe on the 12th October.

Monday, 26 October 2020

 Abby Domaille sent us the latest sighting of Great Black Backed Gull P:78C, seen at Perelle Beach Guernsey on the 23rd October. Wayne Turner checked his records and found a sighting from March not on the history we sent to them, seen also at Perelle on the 3rd March.

Abby and Wayne sent us photos taken at the time, which illustrates the change in plumage over approximately a 7 month period.

                                                  Wayne's photo March 2020
                                                   Abby's photo October 2020

Since ringing in June 2018 4 sightings from Guernsey and 2 from Bolougne sur Mer France


Friday, 9 October 2020

 There is a popular Gull Roost in a field near to the Bird Observatory at the Southern end of the Island of Portland in Dorset, we ring the Gull Pulli in the Port in the Northern section.

From time to time colour ringed Gulls from around Europe can be found here, along with Gulls we have ringed. 

Richard Cope on a visit to the area stopped off to check the Gulls on two days recently with sightings of two of our Great Black Backed Gulls.

P:56B seen there on the 5th October

P:77A seen there on the 6th October ringed in June 2013 a regular at Dawlish Warren Devon, Axe Estuary Devon and the Portland Roost.

Thursday, 1 October 2020

 P:55C a Great Black Backed Gull ringed during June 2018 and first sighted post fledging near to Bilbao Spain in May 2019 and subsequently 5 sightings along the French Atlantic Coast which includes the latest sighting on the 27th September.

The sighting was made by Sophie Reverdiau on the Route des Pitit Marchais, Les Portes en Re, Ile de Re France, an Island situated off the Atlantic Coast of France.