Wednesday, 29 September 2021

 Considering Slapton Sands Devon is directly across Lyme Bay from our ringing site on Portland, we have received to date just two sightings of our Colour ringed Gulls from there both by Perry Sanders.

Great Black Backed Gull P:32D was seen there on the 23rd September 

                                                                     Photo Perry Sanders

Ringed June 2019 first sighting was at Perelle Beach Guernsey and the last sighting prior to this new one was from Alderney also in the Channel Islands.

Wednesday, 22 September 2021

Perelle Beach Guernsey continues to be a Mecca for Gulls including ours. Wayne Turner and Abby Oliveira have sent on their recent sightings of our Great Black Backed Gull's.

Seen on the 17th September P:24F, P:43A, P:73C 

Seen on the 20th September P:05D

                     Photos of P:73C and P:05D at Perelle Beach Wayne Turner & Abby Oliveira


Monday, 20 September 2021

 Two more of this years fledgelings have been sighted for the first time.

Great Black Backed Gull P:13F was seen at Perelle Beach Guernsey on the 18th September.

Photo and sighting Abby Oliveira

Great Black Backed Gull P:22D flew in the opposite direction to Dungeness in Kent, seen there also on the 18th September by Martin Casemore.

Photo and sighting Martin Casemore

Friday, 17 September 2021

 Great Black Backed Gull's continue to give sightings as they move from to post breeding sites to their over wintering areas. Our Gulls are keeping us busy logging their sightings thanks to the observers who send them in.

Listed in site order not date order are.

From the Axe in Devon courtesy of Mike Hill

GBBGull P:63B last seen October 2019 seen by Mike 9th September 2021

GBBGull P:31A last seen October 2018 on Portland seen by Mike 14th September 2021

GBBGull P:08A last seen on the Axe March 2021 seen by Mike 11th September  2021

GBBGull P:72C only one previous sighting at Belle Isle Brittany November 2016, seen by Mike 13th September 2021

                                                               Digi scope photo Mike Hill

Mike has followed up with GBBGull P:33D also on the Axe on the 15th September. Previously seen on Portland and at Shoreham Harbour.


Dave Murray took a ring reading trip to Guernsey where he located two more of our fledgling GBBGull's ringed on the 22nd June this year.

Both seen at Perelle Beach P:73D seen 8th September and P:38D seen on the 14th September.

No write up would be complete without a mention of GBBGull P;43A now relaxing post breeding on Perelle Beach Guernsey seen there by Wayne Turner on the 15th September.


Friday, 10 September 2021

 Sightings from the Axe Estuary Devon.

Ian MacLean sighted Great Black Backed Gull P:62A on the 26th August. Mike Hill saw the same GBBGull also on the Axe on the 28th, 29th, &31st August.

Ian also sighted on the Axe on 26th August GBBGull P:99C, the same Gull was subsequently sighted also on the Axe by Mike Hill on the  28th August & 7th September.

Both Ian and Mike are regular ring readers on the Axe Estuary, their time and patience reading rings is greatly appreciated.

Great Black Backed Gull P:43A was seen at Perelle Beach by Wayne Turner on the 7th September, post breeding.

Along on the Otter Estuary still in Devon Peter Bennett sighted Great Black Backed Gull P:79C on the 9th September, with some unusual companions.

Photo Peter Bennett.
Both species are water birds and have web feet in common, although that is where the similarities end.

Monday, 6 September 2021

 Great Black backed Gull P:35B has been a frequent winter visitor to the La Coruna area of North West Spain.

Photo and sighting Antonio Lopez Porto seen 3rd September at Santa Cruz Beach.
Since being ringed as a Pulli in June 2015, we have received 12 sightings from La Coruna, 1 from Brittany France and 2 from Dawlish Warren Devon England a well travelled Gull.

Another GBBGull P:24F ringed as a Pulli this year was seen at Perelle Beach Guernsey on the 4th September sighting by Wayne Turner and Abby Oliveira.
                                                                   Photo Wayne Turner

Friday, 3 September 2021

 Thanks to the efforts of 4 observers of colour ringed Gulls, Abby Domaille, Wayne Turner both on Guernsey, Mike Hill Axe Estuary Devon and Julian Gernigon Isle de Re France. We have received quite a few sightings of our Great Black Backed Gulls recently.

On the Axe Estuary  Devon. P:88B 16th August, P:62A on the 18th & 25th August, P:79C on the 25th August. 

Herring Gull 769 gave its first sighting since being ringed locally to the Axe on the 25th August.

From Guernsey.

GBBG P:43A was seen at Chouet on the 27th August  & L'Eree on the 1st September

P:73C was back at Perelle Beach on the 1st September

                                                         P:55C photo Abby Domaille

P:55C made a return visit to the Isle de Re France seen there by Julian Gernigon on the 30th August.