A sighting from Weymouth of a Herring Gull we ringed on the Break Waters in June 2019, this is the second sighting since then.
Seen by Penny Insole on the 9th May.
Photo Penny InsoleFrom a Birds of Poole Harbour Boat trip on the 30th May 2022 we have received a sighting of a Great Black Backed Gull P:05A breeding in the Lagoon on Brownsea Island.
GBBGull P:05A ringed by us in June 2012 one of our first. The only previous sighting was in November 2012 at Le sable de L'Onne Vendee France (French Atlantic Coast very popular with our Gulls).
Photo and sighting courtesy of R Goad Photograph ©
The photograph is reproduced with permission of the photographer.
Richard Phillips has sighted another of our Great Black Backed Gulls also on Charmouth Beach Dorset.
GBBGull P:92D ringed June 2021 first sighting was October last year on Guernsey and now at Charmouth on the 16th May.
Photo Richard PhillipsGBBGull P:62A was back on the Devon Axe seen by Ian McLean on the 22nd march ringed in 2014. An Axe regular with flights up to Chard on the Somerset Dorset Border.
GBBGull P:89D is becoming a regular visitor to Newlyn Harbour in Cornwall, latest sighting from Shaun Grose passed on by Mark Grantham West Cornwall Ringing Group. Seen on the 8th May originally ringed in June 2021.