August seems to be bringing am influx of Gulls from what the observers say in their emails.
Wayne Turner reports GBBGull P:38D on the 11th August and P:63D on the 14th August (a Perelle regular visitor) were still present on Perelle Beach Guernsey.
Moving across the Channel to Plymouth and the Plym estuary where Pete Aley sighted Great Black Backed Gull P:15F seen on the 20th August. The only previous sighting was in Newlyn Harbour Cornwall in December 2021 ringed in June 2021.
Now we go East to Dungeness in Kent during an influx of Gulls we received two sightings of Herring Gull 804 both on the 22nd August. From Martin Casemore and David Walker (Warden at Dungeness Bird Observatory).
Photo Martin Casemore HG 804