Thursday, 28 December 2023

 An up date from Lee Collins of sightings from Dawlish Warren Devon of our Great Black Backed Gulls.

GBBG P:87B Fledged in 2015 latest sightings 13th Sept, 28th oct, 20th Nov, 3rd dec, 13th Dec, 16th dec, 17th Dec. Since fledging we have received 164 sightings from Lee at Dawlish and 1 on the Axe from Ian Maclean.

GBBG P:88B Fledged also in 2015 has been around a few places Guernsey, Otter Est Devon, West Bexington Dorset and Portland it was at Dawlish on the 26th December 2023.

GBBG P:05H Fledged 2023 first sighting since then at Dawlish 26th December.



Thursday, 7 December 2023

 GBBGull P:63D was ringed as a Pulli in June 2019 the first sighting came in March 2021 from Perelle Beach Guernsey. Since then there have been a further 17 sightings all from Perelle Beach a case of site fidelity.

                                                                   Photo Wayne Turner

From Waynes previous sightings this Gull has been seen associating very closely with a Larger GBBGull we can't say for sure but from these observations we are leaning towards P:63D being a female.

From Waynes latest photo it is almost like the Juvenille is begging from P:63D but we have no definite proof of that.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

 An interseting movement from one of this years fledgling GBBGull's P:95F.

Ringed June 2023, the first sigting came from Saint Gothian Sands Cornwall in October 2023 and now it has moved to the Hayle estuary Cornwall seen there by Luke Stoppard on the 25th November.

Cornwall is very popular with the Gulls that fledge from Portland Harbour.

Monday, 4 December 2023

 Young Great Black Backed Gull P:57F has made a return visit to Perelle Beach Guernsey 54 days after its previous visit seen there on the 4th December by Wayne Turner.

Photo Wayne Turner

The vast majority of its Juvenille Plumage has been replaced.

Thursday, 23 November 2023

 GbbGull P:43A as has been mentioned many times is one of the first Gulls ringed at the start of our project and she contnues to produce regular sightings in and around Guernsey Channel Islands.

The latest sighting from Wayne Turner was rom the 18th November at Perelle Beach Guernsey.

                                                                 Photo Wayne Turner

GbbGull P:15F visited the Plym Estuary near Plymouth Devon on the 19th November seen there by Alan Livsey.

Finally GbbGull P:71A also one of our first Gulls ringed in June 2012 as part of our project. First sighting was at Selsey Beach Hampshire in July 2014 and now the second sighting some 9 years later from Bembridge on the Isle of Wight.

As the Gull flies the two sightings are not that far apart phisically just in years.

Sunday, 19 November 2023

 GbbGull P:43A one of the first ringed has returned to Perelle Beach on Guernsey. Seen there on the 18th November by wayne Turner, the 145th sighting given by her.

Photo wayne Turner

GbbGull P:15F was back on the Plym Est Devon on the 19th November, seen by Alan Livesey. Ringed June 2021 to date all sightings are from the Plym Esruary.

Saturday, 11 November 2023

 GbbGull P:96F was still favouring Perelle Beach on the 10th November seen again by Wayne Turner.

GbbGull P:72C was ringed as a Pulli in June 2016, later that year September 2016 it was sighted on Belle isle Brittany. Then nothing until it was seen on the Axe Estuary Devon September 2021, again nothing until 10th November 2023 at La Banache  Beach Binic Breittany when Dominique Halleux sighted it.

Photo Dominique Halleux

Thursday, 9 November 2023

 Slowly one by one this years fledglings are giving their first sightings. GbbGull P:96F is latest one to do so.

Wayne Turner on Guernsey sighted it at Perelle Beach on the 8th November ringed in June this year.

                                                                   Photo Wayne Turner

Tuesday, 7 November 2023

 A return visit for GBBGu;; P:12F to the Camel estuary Cornwall. Seen there on the 5th November by Jane Duffy and Stan Christophers.

Ringed in June 2021 first sighting was from Padstow Cornwll and the subsequent 4 sightings so far are from the Camel.

Sunday, 29 October 2023

 One of our GBBGull's has returned to Pembrokeshire Wales. Seen on the 27th October by Dave Astins,, it was sighted in Dale on the Gann estuary.

Dave sighted it there in January 2023 and it was sighted in the same area in October 2022 after fledging in June 2022.

A few of our GBBGull's and Herring Gulls have crossed to South Wales.

Tuesday, 24 October 2023

 Over in Cornwall at Saint Gothian Sands Local Nature Reserve, Shaun Grose sighted another of this fledglings and its first sighting since ringing on the 22nd October.

                                                         Photo Shaun Grose GBBGull P:93F

Saturday, 14 October 2023

 One of last years Fledgelings GbbGull P:57F ringed June 2022 was sighted at Perelle Beach Guernsey by Wayne Turner on the 11th October 2023, the second sighting from this Gull.

                                                                  Photo Wayne Turner

Previous sighting was in July 2023 on the River Adur Estuary Shoreham seen by Richard Fairbanks.

Tuesday, 3 October 2023

 Great Black Backed Gull P:99C was back on the Devon Axe Estuary on the 1st October. Originally ringed as an Adult in a Garden in AxeMouth in 2019.

Photo Humphrey Sitters

Saturday, 30 September 2023

 Thanks to Wayne Turner on Guernsey we have 4 new sightings of our Great Black Backed Gulls including another fledgling from this years ringing.

GBBGull P:73C back at Perelle Beach on the 25th September.

GBBGull P:89F seen 26th September ringed June 2023.

                                                              Photo Wayne Turner P:89F

GBBGull P:43A back at Perelle once more on the 27th September.

GBBGull P:43F seen in L'Eree Bay on the 28th September. Its second visit to Guernsey seen at Perelle in September 2022 soon after fledging, ringed June 2022.

Photo Wayne Turner P:43F

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

 We have received another new sighting from this years Fledgling Gulls, Great Black Backed Gull P:19H. Seen by Lee Collins at Dawlish Warren as were the first two fledglings.

Ringed 27th June and seen at Dawlish on the 19th September.

Thursday, 21 September 2023

 GbbGull P:73C has made a return visit to it's favourite site Perelle Beach on Guernsey seen there by Wayne Turner on the 7th September.

                                                                   Photo Wayne Turner

So far this since ringing in June 2016 as a Pulli, this Gull has given 30 sightings all except for 2 are from Guernsey.

Saturday, 16 September 2023

 It always seems a long time from ringing the Pulli until the first sightings come in, for this year that wait is over thanks to Lee Collins at Dawlish Warren Devon.

Ringed as Pulli June 2023 and seen at Dawlish Warren.

Great Black Backed Gull P:87F 13th September

Great Black Backed Gull P:16H 14th September

The c-r rings we are using now P:**H  have slightly different characters on the ring compared to our previous ones.

They are supplied by a company in Cornwall approved by the BTO.

Great Black Backed Gull P:39C ringed June 2021 was also seen at Dawlish Warren on the 13th September

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

 It would seem from the number of sightings in the last week that the Autumn movement could be under way.

From Wayne Turner sightings from Perelle Beach, Guernsey in the Channel Islands we have received 4 sightings of our Great Black Backed Gulls.

GBBG P:38D seen 27th August and 3rd September, originally ringed in 2021.

Photo Wayne Turner, this Gull is steadily clocking up the sightings from Perelle.

Another very loyal Perelle regular GBBG P:43A now 11 years old, still the most prolific producer of sightings for our project.

GBBG P:63D seen 31st August at Perelle, originally ringed in 2019.
Photo Wayne Turner

Along the south coast at Dawlish Warren Lee Collins has sent in 2 sightings of one of our Great Black Backed Gulls P:87B originally ringed in 2015 it was seen on the 19th and 31st August.

Lee tells us this is the most recorded colour ringed bird at Dawlish warren seen on 155 occasions plus a further 4 sightings from The Devon Axe Estuary.

Thursday, 24 August 2023

 Chouet Beach on Guernsey is still popular as a Gull roost even though the Landfill is now closed.

Great Black Backed Gull P:73C returned there on the 18th August seen by John Allen, second sighting at Chouet this month.

Tuesday, 22 August 2023

 Great Black Backed Gull P:38D has been seen on 18 occasions so far, since ringing in June 2021 all the sightings have been on Guernsey in the Channel Islands.

That was until the 18th August when Romano Da Costa (bird recorder for the island of Jersey CI) sighted it at Petit Port on Jersey also in the Channel Islands.

An up date on the movements of this GBBGull P;38D, on the 22nd August it had returned to Perelle Beach Guernsey, seen by Wayne Turner.

                                                                  Photo Wayne Turner
Perelle Gull roost 22nd August 2023

Saturday, 12 August 2023

 No matter how long sightings take in getting to our in box they are always very welcome.

As is one sent in by Kevin Duncan of a sighting made by a friend of his Tony James. Tony sighted Great Black Backed Gull P:41C at Little Marlow Gravel Pits Buckinghamshire on the 15th December 2022

Originally ringed in June 2016 since then it has been seen in Devon on the Axe, although the majority of the 37 sightings received so far have come from the Home Counties and The London Docklands.

The majority of our Gulls are seen on the coast, there are a few who prefer to be inland why is a good question  which we would love to answer one day.

Thursday, 10 August 2023

 With all the tragic news of the loss of our Seabirds to AI, it is nice to receive some sightings of Gulls still alive and well.

Alison Maparura sighted Herring Gull 559 ringed in 2016 on leaving rehab. Seen once in 2016 then the next sighting was in 2018 and now the third sighting this year in Swanage Dorset on the 9th August.

                                                             Photo Alison Maparura

Great Black Backed Gull P:73C has made return visit to Guernsey seen at Chouet on the 8th August by Peter Vaudin.

Ringed in June 2016, of the 27 sightings since then 25 have been on Guernsey with one at Dawlish Warren Devon and one in Normandy.

Thursday, 27 July 2023

 Great Black Backed Gull P:56F has taken a liking to the area around Boulogne sur Mer particularly Le Portel in Northern France returning there once more.

Seen in Le Portel by Jan Talloen on the 26th July, previous visits are on two occasions in November 2022 following fledging in June 2022 and then again in December 2022. This year 2023 once in January, then in February and now July.

Saturday, 22 July 2023

 We have two first sightings following fledging although the GBBGull's are not the same age.

GBBGull P:65D was hatched and fledged from the North East arm of the Break Water  in June 2019

It waited until the 19th July 2023 to show itself and it was back in Portland Harbour on the C head of the Bincleaves arm which is attached to the Weymouth mainland.

                                                     Photo and sighting from Mark Rowles.

GBBGull P:57F didn't wait as long to show itself seen on the River Adur opposite Shoreham Airport Sussex. Seen there by Richard Fairbank on the 20th July.

Photo Richard Fairbank.


Wednesday, 12 July 2023

 Great Black Backed Gull P:52F has returned to Cornwall with a visit to Looe Island on the 26th June seen by assistant warden Claire Lewis.

                                                                  Photo Claire Lewis

Jon Ross and Claire Lewis

 Looe Island Warden and Warden's Assistant

Cornwall Wildlife Trust

Phone: 07974 293495 (Jon) 07814 166718 (Claire) 

Stay in touch with Cornwall Wildlife Trust.

Sign up to our email newsletter and find us on Facebook and Instagram

Cornwall Wildlife Trust, Five Acres, Allet, Cornwall, TR4 9DJ.  Registered charity 214929

Saturday, 24 June 2023

 As this years Pulli start to fledge the full grown Gulls and Adults are returning to the traditional roost sites.

Great Black Backed Gull P:43A who has been absent since November 2022 with no proof of breeding this year, has returned to her normal roost in Perelle Bay Guernsey.

Seen there on 21st June by Wayne Turner.

Great Black Backed Gull P:63D returned on the 23rd June to Perelle Beach
                                                                Photos by Wayne Turner

Thursday, 15 June 2023

 As Part of the Break Water ringing we do ring the Herring Gulls a part of our dispersal study, in addition if Gulls come into our sphere we ring them as well.

Herring Gull 559 is one of these, ringed 2016 and released on fledging in Portland Harbour sighted on 2 occasions this year to the east at Swanage Dorset, seen there on the 13th June 2023 by Steve Kitchen.

                                                                    Photos Steve Kitchen

Monday, 12 June 2023

 As we have mentioned here in the past all sightings are very welcome of our Gulls, that's the way we all learn.

Some give regular sightings some wait up to 5 years before giving a sighting, then we have the exceptional.

Great Black Backed Gull P:30A is one of these exceptional Gulls, ringed June 2012 as a Pulli on the Break Waters one of our first back at the start of our project.

Seen on Guernsey on 4 occasions during 2013 then nothing until June 2016

Shaun Robson found it at Lychett Bay Poole Harbour June 2016

Then once more nothing until
Ian Ballam found it back in Lychett Bay on the 11th June 2023 a gap of 7 years with no news.

For our project a great record for our data base.

Friday, 9 June 2023

 The West Coast  of France has proved popular over the years to our Gulls of all ages, both Herring and Great Black Backed.

Great Black Backed Gull P:10F continues this association with a visit on the 8th June to Pointe de Ponvins Morbihan seen by Anne-Sophie Hochet.

                                                                Photo Anne-Sophie Hochet

Originally ringed on the Portland Harbour Break waters June 2021, first sighting December 2021 at the Isle de Yeu Vendee, second sighting January 2022 Mimizan Brittany and now Pointe de Ponvins. 

Sunday, 14 May 2023

 Having taken a photo of a GBBGull from Looe in Cornwall on the Chesil Bank West Bexington Dorset on the 10th May 2023.

On checking his photo Mike Morse found one of our GBBGull's just behind it, a return visit by P:26D to the Chesil, seen there previously by Mike July 2022 originally ringed in June 2020.

                                                                      Photo Mike Morse

Friday, 21 April 2023

 GBBGull P:62A has returned to Chard Quarry reservoir seen by Dave Helliar on the 19th April. 

Since it was ringed in June 2014 it has been seen on a regular basis on the Axe Estuary Devon and at Chard Quarry which is on the border between Dorset and Somerset.

                                                                        Photo Dave Helliar
Spring 2022 it had a possible mate with it but this time it has come in alone.

Mike Morse sighted 2 of our GBBGull's on the Chesil Bank at West Bexington Dorset, P:58F on the 7th April and P:04D on the 9th April. P:04D has been seen there on a previous occasion.

Monday, 27 March 2023

 Great Black Backed Gull P:63D has returned to Perelle Beach Guernsey seen there on the 20th March by Wayne Turner. 

                                                              Photo Wayne Turner.
It would seem she (from the difference in size) is not alone, everything points to her being paired only time will hopefully tell us more.
Photo Wayne Turner, Wayne has circled the pair

March sightings got a little behind a short resume of what has come in.
P:32D & P:38D at Perelle 2nd march

Herring Gulls 812 & 694 were seen at Radipole Lake Weymouth 3rd March
Herring Gull 812 was back at Lower Compton 8th March
Great Black Backed Gull P:03D returned to the Camel Estuary Cornwall on the 13th March.

Our thanks go to all the observers who send in the sightings

Thursday, 23 February 2023

 Most of our sightings are generated by our colour ringed Great Black Backed Gulls, so when we get a sighting from one of our Herring Gulls it makes a nice change.

A Herring Gull that had been into care and ringed and released into Portland Harbour in July 2016, gave its 3rd sighting on the 18th February seen in Swanage by Darran Rickards.

Seen in West Bay Bridport and Radipole Weymouth previously, doing well on route to its 7th year.

Great Black Backed Gull P:12F is staying faithful to Cornwall ringed June 2021, first sighting was in Padstow since then 3 times on the Camel Estuary. 

Seen back on the Camel by Jane Duffy and Stan Christphers  on the 21st February. 

Thursday, 16 February 2023

 Great Black backed Gull P:56F made a return visit to Boulogne Harbour on the 14th February travelling along the coast from its previous sighting in Le Portel Harbour. Sighting from Jan Talloen. Originally ringed as a Pulli in June 2022.

After a long absence with no sightings GBBGull P:59A (one of our first) returned to Bembridge Harbour Isle of Wight seen there on the 15th February by Mark Buckley.

                                                              Photo Mark Buckley

Originally ringed as a Pulli in June 2012, since then it has visited Guernsey, several site's in Cornwall, Calvados France and the Isle of Wight.

Tuesday, 14 February 2023

 GBBGull P:26F was originally ringed in June 2021, first sighting came from Port en Bressin in Calvados from Gilbert Vimard during August 2022.

On the 13th February we received a second sighting of this GBBGull from Perelle Beach Guernsey from Wayne Turner.

Wayne noticed the strange colouring on the bill. A search of the internet shows it is likely to be a result of diet that this coloration has occurred.

Friday, 3 February 2023

 GBBGull P:38D is continuing to grace Perelle Beach seen there on two occasions lately 27th and 30th January sightings by Wayne Turner.

On the latest occasion it had a Med Gull for company

                                                                Photo Wayne Turner

Who could turn down a chance to be seen with a Med Gull?

Friday, 27 January 2023

 Radipole Lake in Weymouth is not far from the sea and our Gull ringing site, surprisingly we receive very few sightings of our ringed Gulls there  despite it being a popular gull roost site.

Happily Jim Spooner had two sightings there Herring Gull 773, ringed in 2018 after falling off a roof prior to fledgeing. Seen at Radipole on the 18th January all the sightings of this Gull have come from the Radipole area.

On the 23rd January Jim sighted Great Black Backed Gull P:55F ringed June 2022. Only the second sighting of this Gull, first sighting was from a nature reserve in the north  of Weymouth in September 2022.

A little further away on the other side of the Channel (La Manche) Great Black Backed Gull P:41F ringed June 2022 gave its first sighting at Ouistreham Harbour Calvados. Seen there on the 24th January  by Jean Pierre Clave. 

Sunday, 15 January 2023

 Our first sighting for this year from Guernsey has arrived from Wayne Turner.

Great Black Backed Gull P:38D returned to Perelle Beach on the 14th January, where it is a regular visitor since it fledged in June 2021.

                                                                      Photo Wayne Turner

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

 A sighting from last year of Great Black Backed Gull P:34F ringed June 2022  as a Pulli on the Break Waters. 

Seen in Concarneau Harbour. Finistrere, Brittany. Sighted there on the 1st November 2022 by Antoine Chabrolle.

                                                            Photo Antoine Chabrolle

Sunday, 8 January 2023

 The New Year 2023 is off to a good start with sightings of our Great Black Gulls.

The first sighting of the New Year was from Eric Petit-Berghem with a sighting of GBBGull P:56F which has returned to Le Portel Harbour seen there on the 5th January after a visit to Boulogne Sur Mer.

GBBGull P:28F has made a return visit to Gann Estuary Pembrokeshire Wales. Seen there on the 7th January by Dave Astins, the previous sighting there was in November 2022. Ringed as a Pulli June 2022.