Saturday, 30 September 2023

 Thanks to Wayne Turner on Guernsey we have 4 new sightings of our Great Black Backed Gulls including another fledgling from this years ringing.

GBBGull P:73C back at Perelle Beach on the 25th September.

GBBGull P:89F seen 26th September ringed June 2023.

                                                              Photo Wayne Turner P:89F

GBBGull P:43A back at Perelle once more on the 27th September.

GBBGull P:43F seen in L'Eree Bay on the 28th September. Its second visit to Guernsey seen at Perelle in September 2022 soon after fledging, ringed June 2022.

Photo Wayne Turner P:43F

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

 We have received another new sighting from this years Fledgling Gulls, Great Black Backed Gull P:19H. Seen by Lee Collins at Dawlish Warren as were the first two fledglings.

Ringed 27th June and seen at Dawlish on the 19th September.

Thursday, 21 September 2023

 GbbGull P:73C has made a return visit to it's favourite site Perelle Beach on Guernsey seen there by Wayne Turner on the 7th September.

                                                                   Photo Wayne Turner

So far this since ringing in June 2016 as a Pulli, this Gull has given 30 sightings all except for 2 are from Guernsey.

Saturday, 16 September 2023

 It always seems a long time from ringing the Pulli until the first sightings come in, for this year that wait is over thanks to Lee Collins at Dawlish Warren Devon.

Ringed as Pulli June 2023 and seen at Dawlish Warren.

Great Black Backed Gull P:87F 13th September

Great Black Backed Gull P:16H 14th September

The c-r rings we are using now P:**H  have slightly different characters on the ring compared to our previous ones.

They are supplied by a company in Cornwall approved by the BTO.

Great Black Backed Gull P:39C ringed June 2021 was also seen at Dawlish Warren on the 13th September

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

 It would seem from the number of sightings in the last week that the Autumn movement could be under way.

From Wayne Turner sightings from Perelle Beach, Guernsey in the Channel Islands we have received 4 sightings of our Great Black Backed Gulls.

GBBG P:38D seen 27th August and 3rd September, originally ringed in 2021.

Photo Wayne Turner, this Gull is steadily clocking up the sightings from Perelle.

Another very loyal Perelle regular GBBG P:43A now 11 years old, still the most prolific producer of sightings for our project.

GBBG P:63D seen 31st August at Perelle, originally ringed in 2019.
Photo Wayne Turner

Along the south coast at Dawlish Warren Lee Collins has sent in 2 sightings of one of our Great Black Backed Gulls P:87B originally ringed in 2015 it was seen on the 19th and 31st August.

Lee tells us this is the most recorded colour ringed bird at Dawlish warren seen on 155 occasions plus a further 4 sightings from The Devon Axe Estuary.