Thursday, 28 December 2023

 An up date from Lee Collins of sightings from Dawlish Warren Devon of our Great Black Backed Gulls.

GBBG P:87B Fledged in 2015 latest sightings 13th Sept, 28th oct, 20th Nov, 3rd dec, 13th Dec, 16th dec, 17th Dec. Since fledging we have received 164 sightings from Lee at Dawlish and 1 on the Axe from Ian Maclean.

GBBG P:88B Fledged also in 2015 has been around a few places Guernsey, Otter Est Devon, West Bexington Dorset and Portland it was at Dawlish on the 26th December 2023.

GBBG P:05H Fledged 2023 first sighting since then at Dawlish 26th December.



Thursday, 7 December 2023

 GBBGull P:63D was ringed as a Pulli in June 2019 the first sighting came in March 2021 from Perelle Beach Guernsey. Since then there have been a further 17 sightings all from Perelle Beach a case of site fidelity.

                                                                   Photo Wayne Turner

From Waynes previous sightings this Gull has been seen associating very closely with a Larger GBBGull we can't say for sure but from these observations we are leaning towards P:63D being a female.

From Waynes latest photo it is almost like the Juvenille is begging from P:63D but we have no definite proof of that.

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

 An interseting movement from one of this years fledgling GBBGull's P:95F.

Ringed June 2023, the first sigting came from Saint Gothian Sands Cornwall in October 2023 and now it has moved to the Hayle estuary Cornwall seen there by Luke Stoppard on the 25th November.

Cornwall is very popular with the Gulls that fledge from Portland Harbour.

Monday, 4 December 2023

 Young Great Black Backed Gull P:57F has made a return visit to Perelle Beach Guernsey 54 days after its previous visit seen there on the 4th December by Wayne Turner.

Photo Wayne Turner

The vast majority of its Juvenille Plumage has been replaced.