Wednesday 14 August 2024

 Judging by the number of sightings given by our Great Black Backed Gulls the Autumn migration is under way, 9 in the last week.

Our first sighting from this years ringing GBBGull P:05K ringed 2nd July and sighted on the 7th August to west on the Otter Estuaty in Devon by Rick Lockwood..

Photo Rick Lockwood

Mike Hill sighted GBBGull P:62A on 4 occasions on the Axe Estuary Devon along with 
P;99C 8th Augusand P:87B on the 10th August.

Over on Guernsey Wayne Turner sighted 4 of our GBBGulls.
P:38D at Perelle on the 7th August
P:13D at Perelle on the 8th August ringed June 2021 this is the 3rd sighting since then.
P:43A at L'Eree for a change of scene on the 9th August
P:73C a Perelle regular since ringing in June 2016

To finnish this post GBBGull P:58A one of the first ringed at the start of our project in June 2012. Sighted back on Portland in a field just above the Bill by Mark Cutts on the 14th August after a 6 year gap.
The last sighting was August 2018 also on Portland.

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